House Wellness Foods Evidence Center
Research information

Improvement of periodontal diseasePublished in the paper in 2016 clinical study

Periodontal disease is caused by pathogens in plaque and tartar, causing inflammation in the gums and disintegration of the bones that support teeth.
In Japan, periodontal disease (42%) is the major cause of tooth loss, followed by dental caries (32%)1).
Although only a few people exhibit subjective symptoms, many suffer from this disease. Approximately 70% of Japanese citizens exhibit signs of periodontal disease, and approximately a half of them have periodontal pockets which are ≥4 mm in depth2).
Furthermore, periodontal disease increases the risk of various diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and pneumonia3).

Inflammation of the gums deepens periodontal pockets. When the depth exceeds 4 mm, periodontal disease is diagnosed.It is known that the onset and progression of periodontal disease is closely associated with immunity. Poor immunity may prolong or deteriorate periodontal disease.

In order to evaluate the efficacy of HK L-137 over periodontal disease, a clinical study was conducted in patients with chronic periodontal disease which has been continuously treated.

The result indicates improvement in periodontal pocket depth in the group receiving HK L-137.

e-healthnet (External Link) External Link
Japanese Survey of Dental Diseases 2016
Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology (External Link) External Link


<Selection of subjects>
Study subjects included 39 patients with chronic periodontitis having at least one periodontal pocket ≥4 mm in depth, in whom aggressive treatment for periodontal disease had been completed and were on SPT*.

* Supportive Periodontal Therapy (SPT) is a continuous treatment for periodontal disease after a major treatment such as surgical periodontal therapy.

<Selection of study groups>
This was a double-blind, randomized comparative study. A capsule containing 10 mg of HK L-137 was administered to 19 subjects, and placebo was administered to 20 subjects once daily for 12 weeks.

<Study method>
Depth of the periodontal pocket was measured (See the illustration below) at 6 sites around each tooth at the start, Week 4, 8, and 12 of the study.

Measurement of probing depth (PD)
A probe with a scale was inserted in the
periodontal pocket to measure the depth

Measurement of probing depth (PD)


Change in the probing depth of teeth with at least one periodontal pocket ≥4 mm in depth at the start of the study was compared.
In the HK L-137 group, periodontal pocket depth significantly improved at Week 12.

Rate of change in periodontal pocket depth

Rate of change in periodontal pocket depth
Depths of the periodontal pockets were measured at Week 4, 8, and 12 for teeth with at least one periodontal pocket with depth ≧4 mm at the start of the study. The rate of change from the start of the study was calculated (data used for publication were partially modified).

In the HK L-137 group, periodontal pocket depth significantly improved at Week 12 compared with the control group (P = 0.011).


Previous studies have confirmed that the oral administration of HK L-137 enhances immune activation.
The present study demonstrated that continuous HK L-137 administration in combination with surgical treatment, such as SPT, improves periodontal pocket depth more effectively.
This is probably because HK L-137 enhances immunity, resulting in better resistance and regeneration of periodontal tissues.

Continuous HK L-137 administration during maintenance after treatment for periodontal disease is considered effective for improving periodontal disease (improving periodontal pocket depth).

Source:Oral Health Prev Dent 14(3):207-14, (2016)
